Stress Echocardiogram

What Is a Stress Echocardiogram?

An Exercise Stress Echocardiogram (ESE) is a diagnostic test that combines an exercise stress test with an echocardiogram to evaluate the functioning of the heart during physical activity. The test is performed to diagnose or monitor conditions such as coronary artery disease and heart valve problems, and for preoperative cardiac assessment.

During an ESE, the patient performs a graded treadmill exercise with electrocardiogram (ECG) and blood pressure (BP) monitoring. An echocardiogram, which uses high-frequency sound waves to produce images of the heart and its surrounding structures, is performed prior to the exercise, and then again immediately after the exercise is complete, allowing doctors to assess the blood flow to the heart and the function of the heart’s valves.

If any abnormalities are detected, further testing may be recommended to determine the cause of the problem.

Please shower before your appointment. Apply no moisturiser or powder, but underarm deodorant is allowed.

Ladies, please wear a top and bottom rather than a dress. A bare chest is required for the test, but a gown will be available for modesty.

Please wear shoes which are comfortable for walking, or you may walk in bare feet if you prefer.

ESE is a safe and effective way to assess heart function, but as with any medical test, there is a small risk of complications, which you will have the opportunity to discuss, along with other concerns you may have, before the test is performed. You will also be provided instructions for preparation, including appropriate footwear and clothing, or withholding certain medications prior to the test.


  • Please arrive 15mins prior to your appointment time. If you are going to be late, please phone us to let us know.
  • Please bring your referral and Medicare card with you to your appointment.
  • Please bring your private health insurance membership card with you.


  • Results will be sent to your referring doctor.
  • If ordered by our cardiologists, they will discuss at your next appointment.

Informed consent

It is required by law to receive your consent to perform this test. It is important that you have read and understood this information. If you have any questions, please ask the technician prior to your test.